How to beat the cold & flu?

For many of us, suffering from the common cold is something that we're accustomed to be now.  In northern climates, it's speculated that the lack of sunlight and hence lower levels of vitamin D may play a role in the increase in incidence of these infections.

As well, during the winter months, we often spend more time indoors which results in more close contact with other people which increases the chances of catching a cold.  On the other hand, studies suggest that cold weather alone does not play a role in increasing our susceptibility of catching a cold.

To start off with, it's important to take basic measures such as regular hand washing, sleep, exercise, and eating fresh fruits and vegetables.  As well, stress can play a role in reducing the function of your immune system, so it's a good idea to try to reduce your stress levels during the winter.

If you're already sick and suffering from the usual symptoms such as a sore throat, cough, runny nose, low-grade fever, and headache, what can you do to reduce the duration and severity of your cold?

Here's a list of 10 natural cold remedies including various important vitamins along with other herbal remedies.  In addition, always remember to get your yearly flu shot!

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